Northumberland: Fixtures & Results 
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Prd Date Home TeamAway Team   Result Games Match
1Mon 16/09/24 19:15 Northumberland 6Benwell Hill 1ValidatedLost 9-162-3View
1Mon 16/09/24 19:15 Northumberland 7Northern 5ValidatedWon 14-93-2View
1Thu 19/09/24 19:15 Northumberland 1ANorthumberland 1CValidatedLost 8-171-4View
1Thu 19/09/24 19:15 Westoe 1Northumberland 1BValidatedWon 18-44-1View
1Fri 20/09/24 18:20 Northern 4Northumberland 5ValidatedWon 16-83-2View
1Tue 24/09/24 19:15 Northumberland 5Hexham 2ValidatedLost 7-142-3View
1Wed 25/09/24 19:00 Sunderland 3Northumberland 4ValidatedWon 15-73-2View
1Wed 25/09/24 19:00 Tynemouth 4Northumberland 7ValidatedLost 17-31-4View
1Thu 26/09/24 19:00 Northumberland 1CNorthumberland 1BValidatedLost 7-171-4View
1Mon 30/09/24 18:45 Chester-le-Street 2Northumberland 5ValidatedLost 17-51-4View
1Tue 01/10/24 19:15 Northumberland 7Northern Juniors 2ValidatedLost 7-181-4View
1Wed 02/10/24 18:45 Chester-le-Street 3Northumberland 6ValidatedLost 17-82-3View
1Thu 03/10/24 19:00 Tynemouth 1Northumberland 1CValidatedWon 14-73-2View
1Thu 03/10/24 19:00 Boldon 1Northumberland 1AValidatedWon 17-54-1View
1Tue 08/10/24 19:00 Boldon 3Northumberland 5ValidatedWon 19-54-1View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:15 Northumberland 1BNorthern 1ValidatedLost 3-200-5View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:15 Northumberland 1ANewcastle University 1AValidatedWon 17-64-1View
1Thu 10/10/24 19:00 Consett DevelopmentNorthumberland 7ValidatedLost 16-102-3View
1Mon 14/10/24 19:00 Boldon 2Northumberland 4ValidatedWon 16-113-2View
1Mon 14/10/24 19:15 Northumberland 6Newcastle University 4ValidatedLost 7-172-3View
1Tue 15/10/24 19:15 Northumberland 5Tynemouth 3ValidatedWon 20-15-0View
1Thu 17/10/24 19:00 Northumberland 1CNorthern 1ValidatedLost 8-162-3View
1Thu 17/10/24 19:00 Sunderland 1Northumberland 1BValidatedWon 17-64-1View
1Mon 21/10/24 19:15 Northumberland 4Newcastle University 3ValidatedLost 4-181-4View
1Tue 22/10/24 19:00 Sunderland 4Northumberland 6ValidatedLost 19-81-4View
1Tue 22/10/24 19:15 Northumberland 7Primrose 4ValidatedLost 10-182-3View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:00 Boldon 1Northumberland 1CValidatedWon 19-84-1View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:15 Westoe 1Northumberland 1AValidatedWon 15-93-2View
1Thu 24/10/24 19:15 Northumberland 1BNewcastle University 1BValidatedWon 17-93-2View
1Mon 28/10/24 19:15 Northumberland 6Tynemouth Social 1ValidatedWon 18-44-1View
1Mon 28/10/24 19:15 Hexham 3Northumberland 7ValidatedWon 14-73-2View
1Tue 29/10/24 19:15 Northumberland 5Concordia 1ValidatedWon 20-25-0View
1Wed 30/10/24 19:00 Hexham 1Northumberland 4ValidatedWon 14-93-2View
1Thu 31/10/24 19:00 Northumberland 1CSunderland 1ValidatedWon 20-35-0View
1Mon 04/11/24 19:15 Northumberland 7Newbiggin 2ValidatedLost 5-171-3View
1Mon 04/11/24 19:15 Northumberland 4Primrose 3ValidatedWon 19-44-1View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:00 Newcastle University 1ANorthumberland 1CValidatedWon 17-23-2View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:15 Northumberland 1BTynemouth 1ValidatedLost 4-171-4View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:00 Northern 1Northumberland 1AValidatedLost 17-51-4View
1Thu 07/11/24 19:00 Consett 1Northumberland 5ValidatedWon 15-83-2View
1Mon 11/11/24 19:15 Northumberland 6Boldon 4ValidatedWon 17-83-2View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:00 Northumberland 1CNewcastle University 1BValidatedLost 8-172-3View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:15 Northumberland 1ASunderland 1ValidatedWon 20-05-0View
1Thu 14/11/24 19:00 Boldon 1Northumberland 1BValidatedWon 15-83-2View
1Wed 20/11/24 19:00 Tynemouth 5Northumberland 7ValidatedWon 17-63-2View
1Mon 25/11/24 19:15 Northumberland 4Northern 3Awaiting validationWon 19-64-1View
1Tue 26/11/24 18:45 Eldon 3Northumberland 5Awaiting validationWon 18-74-1View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:15 Westoe 1Northumberland 1CAwaiting entry  View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:00 Newcastle University 1BNorthumberland 1AAwaiting entry  View
1Thu 28/11/24 19:00 Consett 2Northumberland 6Awaiting entry  View
1Tue 03/12/24 19:00 Northern Juniors 1Northumberland 4   View
1Wed 04/12/24 19:00 Eldon 2Northumberland 4   View
1Thu 05/12/24 19:15 Northumberland 1ATynemouth 1   View
1Thu 05/12/24 19:15 Northumberland 1BNewcastle University 1A   View
2Mon 09/12/24 19:15 Northumberland 6Concordia 2   View
1Thu 12/12/24 19:15 Northumberland 1ANorthumberland 1B   View
2Mon 06/01/25 19:15 Northumberland 4Eldon 2   View
2Tue 07/01/25 19:15 Northumberland 5Northern 4   View
2Thu 09/01/25 19:00 Northumberland 1CNorthumberland 1A   View
2Thu 09/01/25 19:15 Northumberland 1BWestoe 1   View
2Fri 10/01/25 18:20 Northern 5Northumberland 7   View
2Sat 11/01/25 17:00 Benwell Hill 1Northumberland 6   View
2Mon 13/01/25 19:15 Northumberland 4Sunderland 3   View
2Tue 14/01/25 19:15 Northumberland 7Tynemouth 4   View
2Wed 15/01/25 19:15 Hexham 2Northumberland 5   View
2Thu 16/01/25 19:15 Northumberland 1BNorthumberland 1C   View
2Thu 16/01/25 19:00 Tynemouth 1Northumberland 1A   View
1Thu 16/01/25 18:40 Concordia 2Northumberland 6   View
2Mon 27/01/25 19:15 Northumberland 6Chester-le-Street 3   View
2Tue 28/01/25 19:15 Northumberland 5Chester-le-Street 2   View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:00 Northumberland 1CTynemouth 1   View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:15 Northumberland 1ABoldon 1   View
2Thu 30/01/25 19:00 Northern 1Northumberland 1B   View
2Sun 02/02/25 18:20 Northern Juniors 2Northumberland 7   View
2Mon 03/02/25 19:15 Northumberland 4Boldon 2   View
2Tue 04/02/25 19:00 Newcastle University 4Northumberland 6   View
2Tue 04/02/25 19:15 Northumberland 7Consett Development   View
2Thu 06/02/25 19:00 Northern 1Northumberland 1C   View
2Thu 06/02/25 19:00 Newcastle University 1ANorthumberland 1A   View
2Tue 11/02/25 19:00 Tynemouth 3Northumberland 5   View
2Thu 13/02/25 19:15 Northumberland 1BSunderland 1   View
2Mon 17/02/25 19:15 Northumberland 6Sunderland 4   View
2Tue 18/02/25 19:00 Newcastle University 3Northumberland 4   View
2Tue 18/02/25 19:15 Northumberland 5Boldon 3   View
2Tue 18/02/25 19:00 Primrose 4Northumberland 7   View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:00 Northumberland 1CBoldon 1   View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:15 Northumberland 1AWestoe 1   View
2Thu 20/02/25 19:00 Newcastle University 1BNorthumberland 1B   View
2Mon 24/02/25 19:15 Northumberland 4Hexham 1   View
2Mon 24/02/25 18:40 Concordia 1Northumberland 5   View
2Tue 25/02/25 19:15 Northumberland 7Hexham 3   View
2Thu 27/02/25 19:00 Sunderland 1Northumberland 1C   View
2Thu 27/02/25 19:15 Northumberland 1BNorthumberland 1A   View
2Fri 28/02/25 19:00 Tynemouth Social 1Northumberland 6   View
2Tue 04/03/25 19:15 Northumberland 5Consett 1   View
2Wed 05/03/25 19:20 Newbiggin 2Northumberland 7   View
2Wed 05/03/25 19:00 Primrose 3Northumberland 4   View
2Thu 06/03/25 19:00 Northumberland 1CNewcastle University 1A   View
2Thu 06/03/25 19:00 Tynemouth 1Northumberland 1B   View
2Thu 06/03/25 19:15 Northumberland 1ANorthern 1   View
2Mon 10/03/25 19:15 Northumberland 4Northern Juniors 1   View
2Tue 11/03/25 19:15 Northumberland 7Tynemouth 5   View
2Wed 12/03/25 19:00 Boldon 4Northumberland 6   View
2Thu 13/03/25 19:00 Newcastle University 1BNorthumberland 1C   View
2Thu 13/03/25 19:00 Sunderland 1Northumberland 1A   View
2Thu 13/03/25 19:15 Northumberland 1BBoldon 1   View
2Mon 17/03/25 19:00 Northern 3Northumberland 4   View
2Mon 17/03/25 19:15 Northumberland 6Consett 2   View
2Tue 18/03/25 19:15 Northumberland 5Eldon 3   View
2Thu 20/03/25 19:00 Northumberland 1CWestoe 1   View
2Thu 20/03/25 19:00 Newcastle University 1ANorthumberland 1B   View
2Thu 20/03/25 19:15 Northumberland 1ANewcastle University 1B   View

Validation column symbols
The match has been entered and validated.
The match has been entered but NOT validated.
Result outstanding.
The match has been entered but overdue for validation.