The updated League Rules for the 2022/23 season have been approved by the Committee, and are available via the Rules link under 'General' on the homepage.
Please familiarise yourselves with the rule updates, which are:
- Rule 5.2: The number of play-ups allowed per half before becoming tied to a higher team is increased from 2 to 3. As agreed at the AGM. the tying rule continues to apply to the end-of-season divisional playoffs (see rule 8.2 below), ie 'no reset'.
- Rule 6.2: As before, the home team is expected to provide light refreshment after the match and all players should make every effort to attend; in addition, the away team captain must inform the home team captain at least 3 days in advance if fewer than 5 away players are staying for the meal.
- Rule 8.2: The Men's League is to introduce end-of-season divisional playoffs between the 3rd-top team in each division and the 3rd-bottom team in the next higher division, to be played at a neutral venue.
John Thompson (League Secretary)