
Winter 2016/17 Fixtures
15 Aug 2016

The new Men's and Ladies' Winter League fixtures are now available on this site. Please review your fixtures, which are provisional at this stage, and identify any proposed changes for discussion with your opponents. Once you have agreement with the opposing captain on a proposed change, please then let John Thompson the League Secretary know as he will need to approve and update the relevant fixture on the system (email

You have until the end of September to agree any changes, after which the fixtures become final.

In particular, those teams playing Newcastle University teams need to be aware that (due to University court unavailability for the next three seasons) they will be playing all scheduled 'away' matches against the University at home, and will need to make provision for booking their home courts accordingly. This will inevitably cause some fixtures clashes at this stage, which will need to be resolved. The University contacts will be proactive in contacting their opponents about this, and agreeing reimbursement for courts and meals.