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Division: Division 2
Home Team: Primrose 3
Away Team: Northumberland 4
Date:05 Mar 2025
Time:07:00 pm
Verified:08 Mar 2025 by Mj

NomHome PlayerNomAway PlayerResultGames
3-1Tom McKay6-3Jack Hunter1315/11 8/15 10/15 9/15
3-3Jeff Houston6-5Mike Paul036/15 5/15 10/15
3-5Paul McAdam6-6Martin Jolley0312/15 9/15 12/15
3-6Glen Cranson6-7Eve Driver0314/15 5/15 4/15
4-1Peter Douglass7-1James Lees039/15 3/15 10/15

Report: Well after failing to write down the scores on the back of a soap box wrapper I have had to use my immense powers of memory (with a little help from someones witchcraft phone a day later) to remember the outcome. And now have PTSD.

Match report: We were sh*t. They weren't.

Good craic afterwards with deep philosophical talk about the slaughtering of animals for food at one end of the table and some unmentionable social media posts from Mr Jolley at the other end.

As for our relegation prospects. Only WW3 can save us now...
Author: Mr.C

Away Report
Away Report:' Hahaha after getting criticised for taking a picture of the scores saying - we don''t trust them - then it looks like YOURE THE MUPPETS NOW EH?!
Can confirmed you nailed it though.

Can also confirm james is traumatised from the philosophical propaganda and that the Coors must be spiked because I can''t even remember some of the c**p I was coming out with.

Great game gents hopefully see you all soon!

P.s. WW3 is just as likely '

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